July 28, 2009

my new haircut~

first of all,sory gmbr x jelas. sbb i gune webcam prt scr. so,woalla!ma new haircut.first take

am doin loads of pose,to take it from diff angles,maybe diff luks.hahaha.not so sure
no more rmbut panjang dan sukar dijaga.heheh...okey x?

potong kt salun sue kt jalan satok cya... trim eyebrow skali.first suruhnya plucked,but hell,it hurts...cuci rmbut juak.

potong dan cuci:rm15-18
trim eyebrow:rm3

gue budget juak.mun x budget tek,gue dh pegi cutting edge dah...tinggal mok inai rmbut,plh manicure,pedicure, n refleksologi. yikes.. i lyk!~

1 critics:

kisshugkisshug said...

love u more than ever..ngeee..atleast more than students of smk lundu.hahahaha(am totally pissed that i cnnot let go.huhu