July 06, 2009

i just dun get it~

tips2 interview...
mok ka?
cnfident jak sia.
i dunno bout my interview tok,la guys
its not dat i dun wanna share n its not dat 'sulit' either
its just that its not informal,
nutin important 2 share..
tips pling bgus,g ctok..
yg pling lawak nya,
bila masok jak bilit ya,trusla...
ahli panel a:'kacak beg awak'
aku:'kacak ka?tq'
(x rs pelik ka????)
its the most pelik situation..i feel so so awkward but still maintain to be cool!~ngee..
maybela.. bilit ya xda cermin besar,so i du not nmpk my face cmne tym interbiu ya.
it last for about 20-30 minutes~(aku rs xcukup jak nk kelakar lamak2).hahaha..
ahli panel nya sorg chinese guy n malay man.
so,b4 interbiu just get ready jak benda2 k potostat.
n most importantly,
smile n be confident

3 critics:

rainbowbuttons said...

woww..thats how to be interviewed by the govt interviewer huhh..ehmm..sounds cool..so..bila stat keja babe??

aloha said...

cant wait to balik lunduuuukkkkk,,,,
mandik aek lunduk nan bersih, sjok n freshh...
mkn kcg buncis + telor + kunyit dikit....

kisshugkisshug said...

lamak dh x masak sayo kegemaran i ya..
apa tek dh cuba dishes extrme gik.
balitla wahai adinda.
ngokngek kau ya